Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week 7 (Proofs, proofs, and more proofs)

So the proofs continue, and I am really finding myself being totally comfortable with structuring my proofs. I wish I could say the same about the actual content of the proof, but to be honest I often find myself going in circles when I’m devising a plan to begin my proof. This is definitely a problem, and I will need to try and find a way to come up with a solution, and be able to take action. I’m sure this moment will come; I’m just hoping it will come very soon! On a more positive note, the concepts of this week seem very basic, and are actually common sense. A good example of this is the rules of inference, one of them being disjunction elimination. Where it states that is you know not A then you can conclude that B is true. These statements are very obvious, and I hope will eventually help me tie everything together to manage to solve a proof with not as many pointless circles. All in all, this week has not been terrible, but I am definitely hoping that with a little more practice the solving the content of the proof will become easier. I often find myself discouraged as I find myself with no idea how to start a given proof. For now this is problem, especially with the second midterm around the corner, but a problem I definitely plan on solving with some hard work.

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