Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 6

Over the course of this week I have really grown accustomed to the idea of proof structures, something that is very new to me. At this point creating the structure is automatic, and does not require any thought. This is a very good feeling being able to do something very easily, and helps me stay motivated. Now the challenging part is the proof itself, which in some cases is fairly easy, but for others this is not the case. There have been a few examples Danny has done that I sit there not understanding the logic behind the proof whatsoever.  At this point I’m waiting for it to hit me, and for it be easy for me to understand how to do all of these proofs.

On a more positive note, there was a concept I fully understood this week, and that is the concept on the slide of “doing wrong right”.  This idea of proving a claim false is very clear to me, since I already had the knowledge of negating a claim. Also, the change of the proof structure was also a very easy concept to grasp, which was a relief. I really like the fact that the knowledge that I spent so much time grasping for the first mid term is a big part of the new material. This helps me attempt to grasp these concepts a lot easier as I already understand part of the concept.

In sum, this week I have learned many new concepts, as well as re used old ones. Although, I still do not fully understand, and I am not able to fully apply them. I believe with a little more practice, and actually working with proofs will make me much more comfortable with the idea.

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